Monday 11 August 2014

Cut the Rope 2 Cheat, Get Unlimited Coins and Powerups

Cut the Rope is a free fun game where you have feed your pet with candies. But the only problem is your candies are out of reach and to feed them to your pet you have to solve all sorts of puzzles. And that is where the game really takes its toll; the puzzles are amazing well designed that are both fun and challenging to solve. There are tons of obstacles to out maneuver before you can get your candy.
cut the rope 2
While the game proves to be good as it is, it can be made a lot better if you can get unlimited coins and purchase all the power ups you want to. And what we are going to offer today, Cut the Rope 2modded apk.

How to Install Cut the Rope 2 Hack

1)      First of all you need to uninstall the current versions of the Cut the Rope 2 you have on your device.
2)      Secondly, download the modded APK from the link below and install it on your device.
Link Updated to v1.1.2
  • Download here (For Tegra)
  • Download here (For Non-Tegra)
3)      You can either install directly on to your devices or copy the APK file to your Sdcard and then install it with the help of Apk Installer.
4)      You now have unlimited coins in Cut the Rope 2. Enjoy!
Also check out the video below.

Be sure to provide us with your feedback in the comments below and if you want modded apk of any other game, you can tell us at Contact Us section.


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